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Company Programmes

Our Suite of Business Innovation and Transformation Programmes are stackable and customisable for your talent development needs. 

Courses are SkillsFuture-Approved & Funded, developed in partnership with KLC International Institute (KLCII).

We can also design Blended Learning Programmes for agile deployment in companies, in tandem with your organisational goals & business requirements.


Business Innovation

Thrive and adapt to the fast-paced market conditions by raising innovation champions to overcome business challenges, driving innovative solutions in an agile manner.

Brand Experience

Breathe life into every brand with the overarching aim to create meaningful customer connections and lifetime value.

Change Management

Harness the innate intrapreneurial drive of individuals as catalysts of change to build a learning culture within any organisation.

21st Century Skills

Remain competive by honing employee competencies in creative thinking, problem solving, emotional intelligence and persuasion in employees, to ensure they remain relevant in the digital economy.

Cultural Intelligence and Diversity

Breed creativity with diversity and cultural sensitivity goes beyond race, language, age and mindset.

Successful Teams

Build upon the strengths and talents of individuals to synergise and foster collaboration to counter competitive forces.

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